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Delivering for Dublin: a political agreement for Dublin City

Here is the political agreement myself and all the Green councillors have signed up to in Dublin City Council for the 2024-2029 term.

Key principles

The group will provide cohesive leadership for Dublin City Council, increasing services and funding and working collaboratively with the executive to maximise outcomes for the city.

  • Back to Basics: cleaner streets, well-kept parks, and better housing
  • A vibrant, climate-resilient city and revitalised city centre
  • More effective democratic oversight
  • Inclusion, equality and integration for everyone who calls Dublin home
  • Making Dublin the world’s first capital to be designated an autism-friendly city

Ways of working

Agendas for monthly meetings will be set and progress monitored at bi-monthly meetings between group leaders and senior management. Councillors of all participant parties commit to be bound to below key policies and will aim to work together where possible on issues beyond them.

Key policies to advance collectively

  1. The streets across the city will be maintained to a high level of cleanliness – delivered by increased budget for cleaning and waste services, hiring more direct labour staff and equipment, developing new street warden roles, implementing a new approach to commercial and bagged waste, and revising related bye-laws.
  2. Projects to improve streetscapes will be delivered in an accelerated manner.
  3. Local Property tax will be set at base rate (0% variation) for years 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this council term with a free vote in year 1. Increased funding from LPT to be ringfenced for housing maintenance, street cleanliness and a new fund for playgrounds. Parties will also seek clear commitments from the central government on improving council funding, including the introduction of a hotel tourist tax, to better support city services and ease pressure on small businesses’ commercial rates.
  4. The Council will expand direct build of public and affordable housing projects on council-owned sites. The Council will also maximise the use of existing buildings such as above shops, office blocks, and derelict sites, through both adaptive reuse and meanwhile uses, for housing, arts and community use.
  5. Funding for housing maintenance to address poor conditions in council homes will be increased and a charter for timely maintenance works will be put in place.
  6. An ongoing focus on elimination of homelessness will be maintained, including support for those impacted, standards in the sector and oversight of budgets, through the re-establishment of the homelessness subcommittee. The Council’s Housing Allocations Scheme will also be reviewed and updated.
  7. Integration and inclusion will be a core principle underpinning the Council’s actions throughout this term. It will be supported with meaningful action throughout each department of the Council and city life, including through the development of a new charter and cross-council committee and the effective implementation of the Local Economic and Community Plan.
  8. Road maintenance priorities will be decided in consultation with the local area committees.
  9. The number of pedestrian crossings will be increased, and more priority given to them in the annual active travel budget.
  10. The Active Travel Network and agreed transport plans will be safeguarded and implemented. The Dublin Bikes and BikeBunker networks will be expanded, along with greater priority to EV charging for the city.
  11. Road safety will be prioritised, through expansion of 30kph and safe school zones.
  12. The Dublin City Council Climate Action Plan and the Biodiversity Plan will be supported and funded, with new internal council structures for climate resilience.
  13. The Dublin City Council Sports Plan, including delivery of more quality facilities, will be prioritised.
  14. Develop a new tree strategy for the city, to substantially increase the tree canopy and improve responsiveness on maintenance issues.
  15. The welfare of animals will continue to be addressed through the provision of a municipal dog shelter and, if necessary, a municipal horse pound.