Ashtown · Cabra · Drumcondra · Glasnevin · Phibsborough

Category: Voting

  • All residents can vote!

    All residents can vote!

    All residents can vote in Dublin City Council elections. You can register online in just a few minutes at! All you need is your Eircode and PPS number. If you don’t know which local authority you live in, you can find out on my map. The new online registration system was launched by my…

  • Donate to my campaign

    Running for office is a huge financial burden — especially for a full-time student. I estimate that it will cost me up to €5,000. Most campaigns are usually financed by donations from friends and family. I have no extended family living in Ireland who can legally donate and most of my friends are also broke…

  • Some personal news..

    Some personal news..

    In news that will surprise nobody, I’ve decided to run for Dublin City Council (Cabra-Glasnevin) in 2024. After years of trying to affect change from the outside, I believe that Dublin City Council needs more people with a vision and passion for the future of the city.