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Category: Biodiversity

  • Mount Bernard Park to be extended soon

    Mount Bernard Park to be extended soon

    After many years, work on the extension of Mount Bernard Park will begin in the coming weeks. The park will be extended north into the disused former CIÉ and Luas Cross City lands as far as the Royal Canal. This will increase the size of the park by over 50%. An accessible perimeter pathway route…

  • Delivering for Dublin: a political agreement for Dublin City

    Delivering for Dublin: a political agreement for Dublin City

    Here is the political agreement myself and all the Green councillors have signed up to in Dublin City Council for the 2024-2029 term. Key principles The group will provide cohesive leadership for Dublin City Council, increasing services and funding and working collaboratively with the executive to maximise outcomes for the city. Ways of working Agendas…

  • State should buy 1,400-acre landholding at Conor Pass

    State should buy 1,400-acre landholding at Conor Pass

    I’ve written to Minister for Heritage, Malcolm Noonan TD, asking for the state to purchase the 1,400-acre landholding at Conor Pass, Co. Kerry that’s currently on sale and turn it into a national park. This is an excellent opportunity to rewild a popular but ecologically barren area for everyone to enjoy in perpetuity and to…