Ashtown · Cabra · Drumcondra · Glasnevin · Phibsborough

All residents can vote!

All residents can vote in Dublin City Council elections. You can register online in just a few minutes at! All you need is your Eircode and PPS number. If you don’t know which local authority you live in, you can find out on my map. The new online registration system was launched by my Green Party colleague Minister Malcolm Noonan in November 2022 and will enable much more people to vote in the upcoming June 2024 elections.

Changing your address

Still registered at your parents’ home? Moved home recently? With the new online registration portal, it’s really easy to change your vote to your current home and make sure you have a say where you live. If you move again, you can change it again online in a few minutes!

There are over 50,000 adults living in the Cabra-Glasnevin electoral area but only 37,000 are registered to vote and only 16,500 voted in the 2019 local election. I will be conducting voter registration drives over the next year to get as many people as possible to register to vote. Remember, all residents can vote in local elections!